
Tour Guide Systems
Now you can offer driver controlled motor coach tours and City Bus Tours and GPS activated tours in single or multiple languages where each visitor listens to your pre-recorded tour narrations in their native language.
Instead of installing expensive and permanent hardwired seat back audio controllers, use our portable receivers that can be swapped between your motor coaches at a moments notice.
This is extremely beneficial when a coach/bus is out of service due to an accident or for repairs, mechanical issues or is replaced with a new coach.
Now you can offer driver controlled city tours or GPS activated tours in single or multiple languages where each visitor listens to your pre-recorded tour narrations in their native language.
Instead of installing expensive and permanent hardwired seat back audio controllers, use our portable recievers that can be swapped between your city tour buses at a moments notice.
This is extremely beneficial when a tour bus is out of servcie due to an accident or for repairs, mechanical issues or replaced with a new tour bus.
Now you can offer walking, cycling, Segway, cart and scooter tours in single or multiple languages where each visitor listens to your pre-recorded tour narrations in their native language.